Currently living and working in the Philippines, Hal is a director of Immersive Learning Systems Inc. (ILSI), a company focussed on providing world class learning management systems to corporate bodies. With clients from the banking and insurance sector and locations spread around the ASEAN region, ILSI is developing a strong reputation for reliable and innovative solutions leveraging the Moodle LMS with third party software and bespoke coding to tailor make each LMS for the clients.
Alongside ILSI, Hal works as a consultant to Framedia-inc, a well established company developing and providing high quality eLearning content. Framedia is the company behind the Anti Money laundering training that ILSI provides, and the Mandatory Eight hour Safety and Health (MESH) training across the Philippines.
Hal remains a director of Creative Learning Systems, but has also taken on directorial roles in other small companies, including Know Escape ltd as well as retaining an interest in Rolling Stage Hire.
In his spare time, Hal enjoys driving off road, and maintains his interest in live music. Although no longer involved with Chelmsford Community Radio, he likes to stay involved in music generally, and continues to play drums with whoever will let him!